None! Anywhere! It boggles the mind!

I am safely ensconced in my hotel in Newark, with my huge king bed. Culture shock #5: hotel prices in the states. Dude, in Greece we thought €20/night was expensive, and this place is over $90!

(Culture shock #2: Being able to flush toilet paper. It takes conscious thought to dispose of it in the bowl rather than in a bin, which is very, very weird.)

(Culture shock #4: TIPPING. I forgot about tipping! The woman in front of me tipped the shuttle driver for helping her get her bags out of the trunk and I just sort of stared. I barely remember how much to tip for food — how the hell much do you tip a shuttle driver?)

Culture shocks #1 and #3 will have to be documented later. Right now I’m worn out. Time for a shower and a good sleep before immersing myself in America tomorrow in New York.